ZRC® Zero-VOC Galvanizing Compound
Combining the best features of organic and inorganic zinc coatings, ZRC® Zero-VOC Galvanizing Compound is water-based and environmentally friendly — and different from other products of its kind with the same quality protection guarantee.
At a Glance: ZRC Zero-VOC Galvanizing Compound
ZRC ZERO VOC solves the problems inherent in traditional inorganic zinc coatings like: near-white sandblasting, difficult spraying, and short pot life. We’ve resolved these issues by creating a unique hybrid featuring the best features of organic and traditional inorganic zinc coatings. ZRC ZERO VOC offers the same true cathodic protection as our original ZRC, without volatile organic content, solvents, or solvent fumes.
Flexible Application Formats

Brush and Roller
Follow mixing instructions. For brush application, we recommend only 100% Natural Chinese Bristle brushes. For roller application, we recommend rollers with a 3/8” nap, made of mohair or lambs wool (sheepskin).

Spray (Low Pressure Compressor)
ZRC can also be applied as a spray. Notes:
Typical Equipment Specification:
Binks #95 siphon-fed conventional air gun
Aircap: 66SK Fluid Tip: 66 SS
Atomized Air Pressure: 40 psi (1.1 Kg/cm²)
Fluid Pressure: 15 to 20 psi (0.4-0.6 Kg/cm²)
Orifice of Tip: 0.080 inches (0.20 cm)
Viscosity Reduction: Add water only if absolutely necessary

Spray (Airless)
Recommended Procedure: Connect hose directly to pump ensuring a hose length of 50 ft. max. Use in-pot agitator or continuous recycling. Use the least pressure possible. Start at 1500 lbs. (105 Kg/cm3) and increase as required for good spraying. Notes:
Pump: 30:1 Ratio
Hose: 1/2" (1.3 cm)(I.D.) Airless Type
Orifice of Tip 60° - .026 in. (0.07 cm)
Type of Tip: Tungsten carbide, reversing
Filter Screens: Complete removal is recommended. However, if screens are employed, use no less than 30 mesh.
Viscosity: No reduction required.

Brush and Roller
Follow mixing instructions. For brush application, we recommend only 100% Natural Chinese Bristle brushes. For roller application, we recommend rollers with a 3/8” nap, made of mohair or lambs wool (sheepskin).

Spray (Low Pressure Compressor)
ZRC can also be applied as a spray. Notes:
Typical Equipment Specification:
Binks #95 siphon-fed conventional air gun
Aircap: 66SK Fluid Tip: 66 SS
Atomized Air Pressure: 40 psi (1.1 Kg/cm²)
Fluid Pressure: 15 to 20 psi (0.4-0.6 Kg/cm²)
Orifice of Tip: 0.080 inches (0.20 cm)
Viscosity Reduction: Add water only if absolutely necessary

Spray (Airless)
Recommended Procedure: Connect hose directly to pump ensuring a hose length of 50 ft. max. Use in-pot agitator or continuous recycling. Use the least pressure possible. Start at 1500 lbs. (105 Kg/cm3) and increase as required for good spraying. Notes:
Pump: 30:1 Ratio
Hose: 1/2" (1.3 cm)(I.D.) Airless Type
Orifice of Tip 60° - .026 in. (0.07 cm)
Type of Tip: Tungsten carbide, reversing
Filter Screens: Complete removal is recommended. However, if screens are employed, use no less than 30 mesh.
Viscosity: No reduction required.
Specifications: ZRC VOC Cold Galvanizing Compound
Here are the details for our industry-leading product:
Zinc Dust Content
Weight and VOC Notes
Weight per gallon – not less than 25 lbs.
VOC Content — ASTM D 3960, 0 g/l (0 lbs per gallon) maximum
Color and Gloss
Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide galvanizing compound by one of the following:
- ZRC Cold Galvanizing Compound, ZRC Worldwide
(www.zrcworldwide.com, (800 831-3275 ))
- No known equal.
Follow manufacturer’s application instructions
Manufacturer to provide Certificate of Conformance to above criteria.
Part Numbers
40003 - ZRC Zero VOC Cold Galvanizing Compound - Gallon
Quotes from Our Customers
It’s no secret we’re the industry-leading solution that lasts. Here’s what our
customers have to say.
Because of my experience in the field with this product, I always recommend ZRC in corrosive applications. I've used ZRC to regalvanize radar towers and catwalk gratings for the Navy at the base in Winter Harbor, Maine. I also used it on metal roofs and on salt water cookers at a canning company. In all cases, it has provided five years or more of rust-free protection.
Roy Love | President, Loves Painting
DAI needed a coating that was equivalent to hot-dip galvanizing since many major components are too big to fit in the galvanizing tanks," "ZRC provides the equivalent corrosion protection of ASTM A 123 galvanizing and is applied directly over sandblasted A 36 steel prior to top coating with chlorinated rubber or epoxy.
Sandy Boog-Scott | Director of Materials, DAI
Of all the painting systems I have used to protect ironwork in the past ten years, ZRC top coated with epoxy works the best — even in highly corrosive, humid environments.
Doug McLean | President, McLean's Blacksmithing, Inc., Galveston TX